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Totally free! All I ask is that, if you download and color, please share online with the tag #3wishstudios Totalmente gratis! La unica cosa que pido es que comparta en linea con el tag #3wishstudios Thanks! ~ Gracias! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ae5u6hytpi2ldr7/AABW9q_jqvVenWrbonI6V88Za?dl=0
The first animated commercial produced by 3 Wish Studios, all created on an iPad using ProCreate, Rough Animator and iMovie.
My first Magnolia Meter video (2nd version) where I talk about empathy as depicted by the character, Donnie Smith in the film, Magnolia, as well as empathy in a wider context. I also talk about my creative process, coming up with ideas, ProCreate vs Photoshop, the iPad vs the Wacom ~ Mi primer video (2nd […]
Need a cover for your children´s book? Need an entire children´s book illustrated? Want to illustrate an article, revamp your cover photo, a one of a kind Valentine´s Day gift? I´m having a $100 USD per book cover/illustration special ✌🏽🙂! (Note: while I do work in other styles, because of the time limitations, this special […]
Remember at the end of Magnolia when Jim is talking to Claudia but you can´t make out his words and you´re wondering, What´s he saying?!!! What´s he saying?!!! Well, here´s what he says – “I can’t let this go. I can’t let you go. Now, you… you listen to me now. You’re a good person. […]
Winston de Hoot, a character I designed and animated in a series of emojis for Coco and Instanza.
The goal: 1. Illustrate each of the main characters in Magnolia in new ways that challenge and stretch my abilities. 2. Rate each of the characters on a 1 to 10 scale according to how empathetic they were in the film. 3. Use the Magnolia Meter to rate various politicians to just put it out […]